< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Statistics >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Statistics

Matlab files in this directory:

 LevenetestLEVENETEST(X,alpha,display) runs Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance.
 anthrobyconr = anthrobycon(fld,name,display) returns anthropometric data by condition
 bmech_CI[CIlow, CIhigh, SE, CIw, stat] = bmech_CI(data,type,alpha,normal) computes confidence interval for
 bootstrap_tbootstap_t computes symmetric confidence intervals based on the bootstrap-t procedure
 eventval2mixedANOVAeventval2mixedANOVA (varargin) will output data to a spreadsheet for mixed ANOVA
 extract_filestruct[level1,level2,level3,level4,level5] = EXTRACT_FILESTRUCT(fld) returns file structure
 extracteventsR = EXTRACTEVENTS(fld,cons,subjects,ch,evt) extracts event data from zoo file
 nrmser = NRMSE(a,b) computes the root mean squared error between two vectors
 omni_ttest[P,t,df,e] = OMNI_TTEST(data1,data2,type,alpha,thresh,tail,mode,bonf) performs statistical
 outlierOUTLIER(fl,ch,events) makes line and event data for 'fl' an outlier, i.e. line data
 rmser = RMSE(a,b) computes the root mean squared error between two vectors

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