Home > biomechZoo > Toolbox > Statistics > eventval_old.m




function eventval_old(varargin)


 eventval(varargin) will transfer the values of all channels at given events to
 an excel sheet for inspection. Careful setup must be followed

 'fld'          ... path to data folder as string
 'ch'           ... list of channels as cell array of strings
 'localevts'    ... list of local events as cell array of strings
 'globalevts'   ... list of global events as cell array of strings
 'subprefix'    ... subject code prefix as string. e.g. 'subject','P'


 1-Create an excel file names 'dim1.xls' which contains the Conditions in
   your study

   ex. if your study has the Conditions 'pre' and 'post' enter 'pre' and
   'post' (no quotes) in cells A1 and A2 of your excel sheet.
   ex. if your study design in more complicated, where two groups (rec and
   elite) perform 3 tasks (wrist shot, snap shot and slap shot). you would
   then write in column A the following rec\wrist, rec\snap, rec\slap,
   elite\wrist, elite\snap, elite\slap

   NOTE: -your Condition folder names and dim1 names must be identical
         - your structure should be group/subject/condition
           e.g   rec/subject01/wrist

 2-create an excel file names 'dim2.xls' which contains the names of the subjects in
   your study
   ex. if your study has 5 subjects called 'subject01', 'subject02',...'subject05' then enter
   'subject01', 'subject02',...'subject05'(no quotes) in cells A1,A2,...A5 of your excel sheet.

   NOTES: - Your subject folder names and dim2 names must be identical.
          - Do not use spaces or capitals in your subject folders.
          - Always name your subjects beginning with subject01,...
          - for between subject designs write all possible subject names
            in dim file

 3-create a blank excel file to write data to. Name it as you wish.


 This function will ask you to select the events you are interested in
 extracting. Following the zoosystem, there are two kinds of events to
 choose from.

 'Local Events' are events tagged in each channel. ex. an event 'max' may
 exist in each channel that specifies the maximum data point and its index for a given

 'Global Events' are events tagged in a single channel, but for which we
 require info in all channels. ex. an event 'heel strike' may exist in a
 force plate channel. If it is selected as a global event, this function
 wil return the value of every channel at the index of heel strike.


This function calls: This function is called by:
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