function [T,res]=soder(data) Description: Program calculates the transformation matrix T containing the rotation matrix (3x3) and the translation translation vector d (3x1) for a rigid body segment using a singular value decomposition method (Soederkvist & Wedin 1993). Input: data: columns represent the XYZ positions and the rows represent time. Output: T: 4x4 Matrix containing the rotation matrix R and the translation d: T = [R,d; 0 0 0 1] res: norm of residuals (measure of fit; "rigidity" of body References: Soderkvist I. and Wedin P. -A., (1993). Determining the movements of the skeleton using well-configured markers. Journal of Biomechanics, 26:1473-1477 Author: Christoph Reinschmidt, HPL, The University of Calgary (Matlab code adapted from Ron Jacobs, 1993) Date: February, 1995 Last Changes: December 09, 1996 Version: 3.1