Home > biomechZoo > Toolbox > KineMat > normalfu.m



function [N, time] = normalfu(A,n,before,after,nanum)


function [N,time] = normalfu(A,n,before,after,nanum)


 function [N, time] = normalfu(A,n,before,after,nanum)
 Description:  normalizes to n-data points using "linear interpolation"
 Input:    A        = matrix to be normalized
           n        = normalized to n points (default = 101; 0% to 100%)
           before   = # of data points before the phase determining 
                      determining the 'normalization phase'
           after    = --"--, but after
           nanum    =    1 -> will leave NaNs'
                      else -> will interpolate for missing values (NaNs')
                      Note: NaNs' at the beginninng or end of column
                            are not replaced
 Output:   N        = matrix with normalized data
           time     = time ("xaxis"), starts at zero (if before =0)
                      e.g. if n=101 -> time = [0:100]
 Remarks:      This function may be used just in the form normalfu(A). In that
            case, n=101, before=0; after=0; nanum=0;
               The code for this function is far from being optimal and
        therefore this function is rather slow.
 Author:       Christoph Reinschmidt, HPL, The University of Calgary
 Date:            September, 1994
 Last Changes: November 29, 1996
 Version:    1.0


This function calls: This function is called by:
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