Home > biomechZoo > Toolbox > KineMat > dltfu.m



Description: Program to calculate DLT coefficient for one camera


function [A,avgres] = dltfu(F,L,Cut)


 Description:    Program to calculate DLT coefficient for one camera
               Note that at least 6 (valid) calibration points are needed
               function [A,avgres] = dltfu(F,L,Cut)
 Input:    - F      matrix containing the global coordinates (X,Y,Z)
                        of the calibration frame
             e.g.: [0 0 20;0 0 50;0 0 100;0 60 20 ...]
        - L      matrix containing 2d coordinates of calibration 
                        points seen in camera (same sequence as in F)
                        e.g.: [1200 1040; 1200 1360; ...]
               - Cut    points that are not visible in camera;
                        not being used to calculate DLT coefficient
                        e.g.: [1 7] -> calibration point 1 and 7 
             will be discarded.
                   This input is optional (default Cut=[]) 
 Output:    - A      11 DLT coefficients
               - avgres average residuals (measure for fit of dlt)
             given in units of camera coordinates

 Author:    Christoph Reinschmidt, HPL, The University of Calgary
 Date:        January, 1994
 Last changes: November 29, 1996
 Version:    1.0
 References:    Woltring and Huiskes (1990) Stereophotogrammetry. In
               Biomechanics of Human Movement (Edited by Berme and
               Cappozzo). pp. 108-127.


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