BMECH_KINEMATICSRVDB(fld,Pelvis,Thigh,Shank,Foot,sequence) computes lower-limb (ankle, knee, hip) joint kinematics using the kinemat toolbox of Reinschmidt and Van den Bogert ARGUMENTS fld ... Folder to batch process (string). Default: folder selection window. Pelvis ... cell array of markers (min 3) defining pelvis segment. Default, use markers 'RASI','LASI','SACR' Thigh ... cell array of markers (min 3) defining Thigh segment. Default, use markers 'THI','KNE','KneeJC','HipJC' Shank ... cell array of markers (min 3) defining Shank segment. Default, use markers 'ANK','TIB','AnkleJC','KneeJC' Foot ... cell array of markers (min 3) defining Foot segment. Default, use markers 'TOE','HEE','AnkleJC' sequence ... cardan sequence to choose. Default 'yxz' NOTES - Code based on 'cardan.m' part of Reinschmidt and Van den Bogert 'kinemat' toolbox: - If hip, knee, and/or ankle joint center are chosen as virtual tracking markers for kinematics, these will be computed by hipJointCentrePiG and jointCentrePiG. The latter requires the Symbolic Math Toolbox See also cardan, kinematicsRvdB_data