BMECH_EMG_DYNAMIC_NORMALIZATION(fld,ch before_str,after_str) will perform nonmalize filtereld EMG signals 1- est. local max events for all channel (*_rect_RMS) 2- est. global max based on local max events 3- normlize *_rect_RMS ARGUMENTS fld ... folder to operate on ch ... name of emg channels to process (cell array of strings) before_str ... string characters before subject_id after_str ... string characters after subject_id Example: File Name = 'Trimmed_HYA03_Walking_T02-level.zoo' Subject ID = HYA03 before_str = ' Trimmed_' after_str = '_Walking' static_str ... str, name of static files (if any) to ignore *** note: if Subject ID is in the begining of the file name before_str='';