BMECH_COCONTRACTION computes co-contraction index for muscle pairs ARGUMENTS fld ... str, folder to operate on pairs ... cell array of str, names of muscle pairs. Example = {'L_TibAnt-L_GM','L_RF-L_Ham'} computes co-contaction for L_TibAnt and L_GM & L_RF and L_Ham muscle pairs. 'method' ... str, optional. Choice of algorithm to use. Default :'Rudolph'. Other choices :'Falconer' and 'Lo2017'. See - Rudolph et al. 2000. Dynamic stability after ACL injury: who can hop? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 8, 262-269 (commented) - Falconer, K., Winter, D., 1985. Quantitative assessment of co-contraction at the ankle joint in walking. Electromyogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 25, 135149. - Lo J, Lo O-Y, Olson E-A et al. Functional implications of muscle co-contraction during gait in advanced age. Gait & Posture,Volume 53,2017,p 110-114. 'events' ... cell arrat of str. Optional, Pair of global events (only for Lo2017 method). Estimates percent co-contraction btw the events (value stored in event). Note: Ignores events for other methods and computes co-contation line for entire data Example = {'Left_FootStrike1','Left_FootStrike2'} See also cocontraction_data, cocontraction_line